Monday, 14 February 2011

Invitation of Humanity

Peace students from over 40 countries around the world gathered in the name of humanity and justice. Leaving behind other identities, students came together today February 14 to send a message of love and humanity to children of Gaza that you are not alone. The message is this: "Our hearts and minds are with you. Humanity cannot be divided whether in Gaza or any part of the world”. Students and others present pledged their support to the children of Gaza during the hard times you are enduring under the Israeli system of injustices and inequalities, represented through on-going Israeli blockade imposed on you, depriving you from adequate drinkable water.

Peace students gathered at University of Jaume 1 to send out a message of solidarity and humanity to children in Gaza in through an outstanding event called Comidas del mundo, “Food of the World”. The event aimed at raising awareness about the current water crisis in the Gaza Strip that has profound negative impact on the heath of Gaza children. The event proved that humanity has no borders when it comes to children; the participants stressed that their assistance must reach children of Gaza despite the fact that Gaza is currently is under blockade and borders are shut down.


Rana Al Sha'bani said...

Thank you, may Allah bless you:)

Stan de Hawk said...

Thanks a lot, I wish you all the best in your path to peace ! stan